MI Day 1: Body Scan, Breathing, Goals

Main topics for the first training day (6 hours): the general introduction in Mindfulness, the main messages for the group spirit, the 45 Minutes Body Scan, the 10 Minutes Breathing, and Smart Goals with Chunking up sideways and down. How do we use Zoom and Breakout Groups? How do we use Moodle (or other online platforms)? How would I prefere to offer Mindfulness Trainings (online or face to face on side or mixed, training sequence)?

MI Day 2: Body + Yoga 1

Main topics for the second training day (6 hours): How can we share the experience of the participants? How do we introduce the NLP technique 1.2.3. Position with the Body and the new Mindfulness exercise of Yoga 1 (lying on a mat)?

MI Day 3: ANTs (Meta Model) + Yoga 2

Main topics for the third training day (6 hours): How can we share the experience of the participants? How do we introduce the NLP technique Meta-Modell questions (ANTs), and the new Mindfulness exercise of Yoga 2 (standing)?

MI Day 4: NBG + Guided Fantasy

Main topics for the fourth training day (6 hours): How can we share the experience of the participants? How do we introduce the NLP technique New Behavior Generator (NBG), the new Mindfulness flexibility, and ensure the long term practice of Mindfulness exercises?

Mindfulness Practitioner In-Me

The 60 hours / 8 days "Mindfulness Practitioner In-Me" has the required entrance qualification of the 30 hours / 4 days  "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me".
Please see the curriculum here: https://in-me.world/about/curricula

Mindfulness Master In-Me

The 90 hours 12 days "Mindfulness Master In-Me" has the entrance qualification of the 60 hours 8 days "Mindfulness Practitioner, In-Me"

Please see the curriculum here: https://in-me.world/about/curricula