Cursos disponibles

Research Proposal - work in progress

Before you begin, you must submit your application to be accepted as a student or PhD Candidate at the Universidad Central de Nicaragua (UCN) at the following link: In addition, you must send your CV and a Research Proposal for approval to the Faculty of Psychology at UCN, the International School of Psychology. The documents should be sent to the following email:

 To write your research proposal, we created this Moodle course, as a support. Your research proposal is personal, on the topic you wish to research. You should describe the problem you would like to solve, the objective, the basic ideas guiding your research (hypothesis), what you already know about the scientific literature and research on your problem, the methods and your planned timeline for your research. By clicking on "What is a research proposal?" below you will find a 7-minute motivational video on: "Do you dare to dream?". This motivational video is just to inspire you to dream about what exactly it is that you would like to research scientifically.

Profesor: Fatiha Mabrok

Disney Strategy

NLP provides the knowledge of what most successful people do and how they do it. Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein modeled the creative workings of Walt Disney and then developed the Disney Strategy.

Power Point Basics

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Introduction to Psychology Basics

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

History of Psychology Basics

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

General Psychology Basics

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Social Psychology Basics

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Developmental Psychology Basics

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Industrial Psychology Basics

Industrial psychology deals with the question how working conditions effect the working population and how man (or woman) changes the working conditions.
I-O practitioners conduct a wide range of research and studies designed to provide information about all phases of the workplace.

Differential& Personality Psychology Basics

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psychopathology Basics

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psycho-Oncology Basics

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Health Psychology Basics

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Forensic Psychology Basics

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Positive Psychology

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

MI Day 1: Body Scan, Breathing, Goals

Main topics for the first training day (6 hours): the general introduction in Mindfulness, the main messages for the group spirit, the 45 Minutes Body Scan, the 10 Minutes Breathing, and Smart Goals with Chunking up sideways and down. How do we use Zoom and Breakout Groups? How do we use Moodle (or other online platforms)? How would I prefere to offer Mindfulness Trainings (online or face to face on side or mixed, training sequence)?

MI Day 2: Body + Yoga 1

Main topics for the second training day (6 hours): How can we share the experience of the participants? How do we introduce the NLP technique 1.2.3. Position with the Body and the new Mindfulness exercise of Yoga 1 (lying on a mat)?

MI Day 3: ANTs (Meta Model) + Yoga 2

Main topics for the third training day (6 hours): How can we share the experience of the participants? How do we introduce the NLP technique Meta-Modell questions (ANTs), and the new Mindfulness exercise of Yoga 2 (standing)?

MI Day 4: NBG + Guided Fantasy

Main topics for the fourth training day (6 hours): How can we share the experience of the participants? How do we introduce the NLP technique New Behavior Generator (NBG), the new Mindfulness flexibility, and ensure the long term practice of Mindfulness exercises?

Mindfulness Practitioner In-Me

The 60 hours / 8 days "Mindfulness Practitioner In-Me" has the required entrance qualification of the 30 hours / 4 days  "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me".
Please see the curriculum here:

Mindfulness Master In-Me

The 90 hours 12 days "Mindfulness Master In-Me" has the entrance qualification of the 60 hours 8 days "Mindfulness Practitioner, In-Me"

Please see the curriculum here:


Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Scientific Articles Principles

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Expert Interviews

A part of qualitative questionnaires are expert interviews in which experts are interviewed to experience and competence they gathered in their field of expertise.

Psychological Standard Questionnaire

Standard approaches in asking a question and in planning, conducting and evaluating any research are called research methods. Research methods can be categorized in qualitative and quantitative methods. Both are profoundly different and carry their individual pros and cons that needs to be considered carefully in any research.

Qualitative Methodology

In contrast to standardized research methods, where the structure of the tools are predetermined and generalized, qualitative research depend on a loose and more flexible framework.

Research Design

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Clinical Psychology Basics

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Advanced Psychodynamics Theories

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psy930 Freudian & Jungian Psychoanalysis

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psy690 Sub Abuse: Diagnosing/ Treatment/ Prevention

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psy501 Intro to Professional Psychotherapy

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psy625 Psychopharmacology

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psy 646 Psychopathology and Diagnosing

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psy Psychotheraphy of the Child & Adolescent

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psy Sexual Development & Therapy

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psy Lifespan Development

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Psy 649 Individual Differences & Appraisals

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Psy 606 Group Process

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Psy 520 Personality Development

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Psy 650 Vocational / Community Psychotherapy

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Psy 501 Professional Identity, Functions and Ethics

The rationale behind establishing a strong professional identity in counseling includes increasing the likelihood of ethical performances, an advanced awareness of counseling roles, and, ultimately, a better chance for the profession to survive. Scholars have underscored the importance of developing a unified professional identity, but have yet to do so in a way that has generated widespread support.

Psy 640 Contemporary Issues, Social & Diversity

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Psy 631 Psychological Testing & Measurements

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Psy 661 Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Psy 648 History & Systems of Psychology

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Propuesta de Investigación

Tu propuesta de investigación es tu propuesta personal de qué es exactamente lo que quieres investigar, cómo y por qué. Aquí describe el problema que le gustaría resolver, la meta que le gustaría lograr al resolver este problema y las ideas básicas que guían su investigación.

Profesor: Fatiha Mabrok

La Estrategia de Disney

La PNL proporciona el conocimiento de lo que hacen las personas más exitosas y cómo lo hacen. Robert Dilts y Todd Epstein modelaron el funcionamiento creativo de Walt Disney y luego desarrollaron la estrategia de Disney.

Profesor: Fatiha Mabrok

Introducción a Power Point

Este es un curso de muestra con contenidos y actividades. Puede ver cómo se muestran los recursos y las actividades en una vista del curso. Este curso de muestra utiliza el formato de curso "Temas".

Profesor: Fatiha Mabrok

General Psychology Basics copy 1

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Social Psychology Basics copy 1

Social psychology is an area of psychology and social science. The Social psychology researches processes inside and between social groups as well as the effects of such processes on the experience and behaviour of the individual.

Profesor: Fatiha Mabrok

Developmental Psychology Basics copy 1

This is a sample course with contents and activities. You can take a look how ressources and activities are displayed in a course view. This sample course uses the "Topics" course format.

Industrial Psychology Basics copy 1

Industrial psychology deals with the question how working conditions effect the working population and how man (or woman) changes the working conditions.
I-O practitioners conduct a wide range of research and studies designed to provide information about all phases of the workplace.

Referencias Estilo APA

download%20%281%29.jpgEn esta parte del curso podrás entender como citar correctamente en tu tesis doctoral. Es importante, como investigador, conocer como realizar las citas directas y en las referencias. Conocer estas normas son esenciales para eliminar el plagio de tu trabajo original.

La hipótesis como punto de partida

La importancia de la hipótesis en una investigación proviene del nexo entre la teoría y la realidad empírica, entre el sistema formalizado y la investigación y que, en tal sentido, la hipótesis sirve para orientar y delimitar una investigación, dándole una dirección definitiva a la búsqueda de la solución de un problema (Moreno, 2013). 

Tarea Bibliografía Citada

Enviar un resumen de tres artículos con sus referencias en el estilo APA o el acordado por su consejero que estén directamente relacionado a su futuro tema de tesis doctoral. 

(Tarea) Enviar Power Point con los avances de su tesis)

El desarrollo de la tesis doctoral desde el día uno es la base para adquirir los conocimientos relacionados al grade académico. Es por esto que desde el capítulo I, enfatizamos en el desarrollo de una presentación corta en los avances investigativos.